How to claim the non deposit bonus of XM

XM broker which is a very reputable and transparent broker gives a very popular 30$. This broker can be claimed as soon as you open a live account with them and verify the account with a Valid ID card and a recent bank statement whose address tallies with the address you entered when opening the account.

Your profits are credited to the balance which will be 0 when you start.
Your equity will be the bonus plus or minus the profit or loss you have made.
See example below;

Link to the bonus page


Go to the link and open your account. make sure you enter an address that tallies with that on your bank account. You can choose micro account if you want to trade with lot sizes that will yield smaller profit or losses than a standard account.  0.01 Lot in a standard account equals 1 lot In a micro-account. also ensure that your email address is valid. after this  proceed to the next page

Step 2

Select your leverage and ensure it is the highest. anything above 1: 500 is good. select your base currency and ensure that you select the option that you want to receive the bonus.

Step 3
Scroll down enter your details and ensure that the password you enter here is stored safely because this password is the same password that will be used to enter into your Members area and login to your MT4 platform.  click open real account

Step 4 
A mail will be sent to your mail to confirm your address. Go to your mailbox open the mail and verify your account by clicking the link provided in the mail.

Step 5
Login to the member Area with the with your MT4 ID which should be sent to your mail and your password you entered earlier.

Step 6

Go to the verification area whose link can be seen on your right at the time of writing this post.

upload your Valid ID and Statment of Account or utility bill. It must be scanned to high resolution. The back and front of the ID must be scanned. validation of the documents take like a day.

Step 7
As soon as you get the mail that your account has been verified, Login to your member's area using your id and password. In the member's area, you will see a green link that asks you to claim bonus. as soon as you do this the 30$ will be showing in your mt4 account has credit.

Step 8

Download the their meta trader and login and start trading.  free EAs were posted on my free ea tools facebook group. you can use google, amazon or microsoft free vps to trade. if you have great systems do well to utilize the bonus to get a bigger capital to trade.

Please note that in order to be able to withdraw the profits from the no deposit bonus, you need to:
1) trade a minimum of 10 micro lots (0.1 standard lots)
2) trade a minimum of 5 Trades
3) the minimum withdrawal amount is 5 USD

If you know how to open a google vps, or have a vps (a computer that is constantly online), mail me at Open an XM cent account and request Via mail for an EA you can use to turn this 30 dollar to 100$ in 6 months. It is absolutely free. I am an affliate so I already have benefits for this.

Should I Save or should I Invest my Money

Should I Save or should I Invest my Money?

This question has taunted a lot of people at a different point in their lives when they ran into a stack of cash. The following post will help you make a better decision when next you have to make this decision.

Wealth accumulation factor

You can only become rich by investing: Savings is a deferred expenditure; You will eventually spend the money. When you save you are only postponing the time you will spend the money. Investing, on the other hand, is great because it grows your income. more so, the interest gained during investing can always be reinvested to accelerate wealth.

Inflation Factor

The inflation rate in most countries exceeds the interest people earn in saving the account. Hence if you were to have a savings earning 3% per annum and have the inflation of your country at 5%. At the end of the year, you will have lost 2% of your money. On the other hand, investing your money for a return of 8% per year will help you gain 3% on your money. Thus, you would have saved your money whilst making more money at the same time.

Savings Factor

As the word Savings implies, the safety net provided by savings is the one that makes a lot of people to prefer savings. there is always a risk associated with investments that many people don't like incurring. If this is the case for you, savings may still be a better choice.

Bottom Line

My advice is to save half of your earnings and invest the other half in some investments. This blog has a lot of options for you to consider. some include bonds (for people who want safe investment) other includes Gold, others include Forex.

Just make sure that your investment is sufficiently diversified.

How to make long term savings with Treasury Bonds

The bond market is a very interesting market as described here but few people now that these investments are a better way to save long-term money. Treasury Bonds are bonds issued by the government in order to raise funds or control the supply of money.

These bonds are very safe investments because the government issuing it cannot fail to print their own money should the need arises. Most Treasury bonds carry interest rates of 3% and above in developed countries. This is a very good return if you are looking to beat the average inflation of developed countries. However, an even better option is to invest in bonds of developing countries which carries interest rates exceeding 10% on the average. These interest rates are clearly better than the 15-3% offered by banks.

Do well to utilize these bonds to earn good interest on your savings in the long term.

Some good ones to consider are India, Argentina, Ghana, Russia, Brazil etc.

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