Top crypto-currencies with potentials for growth

Ok, you have lost out on Ethereum and Bitcoin but still want to cash in on another ride? This post aims to enlightening you on the coins that may just exceed 100$ in a few years time.(You can find some broker like alpari, tickmill who allow you to trade crypto-currencies here)


This crypto-currency has been going strong since the beginning of this year. Without bugging you with the geeky details. here are my reasons why I feel the crypto-currency is worth investing in. 

  • Atomic swaps between LTC/BTC: The fact that you can exchange Litecoin for Bitcoin makes it more usable and effective for commerce. Currency exchange is very crucial especially if their use is going to widespread. For instance Imagine a scenario where you have 200 Bitcoins and 1000 Litecoins and want to buy something with your bitcoin but realize that your 200 Bitcoins will not be sufficient? What will you do? You are likely going to want to convert your Litecoins to Bitcoins right? That is exactly what makes this attractive for people looking to replace conventional payment systems with crypto-currencies.
  • Lightning network should enable even faster transactions: Litecoins is known to have improved on Bitcoins transactions confirmation speeds. This enables you to be able make more transactions in lesser time. This would be attractive to would be investors in crypto-currencies.
  • It improves has a faster Mining rate than Bitcoin ($25 per block as compared to bitcoins $12.5/block): If the price of crypto-currencies is bound to soar, you will want to hold a lot of that crypto-currency right? That is exactly what happened to someone who gave up on Litecoin. He had mined Litecoins for long but it was proven unprofitable as at the time he tried cashing in at $2.5 per Litcoin. However, he left 875 Litecoin in his wallet. Today Litecoin is at $58. Read Full Story Here.
  • Litecoin returns for 2017: This crypto-currency yielded a return of over 1000% in 2017. Whatever caused the interest should be able to sustain the currency  to the 100$ target in stipulated.

The following are one of the reasons people are touting Ripple to be a big hit. 

  • It is said to have a  near instant transaction confirmation time.
  • It is designed to be processed through banks
  • it can be used as a debt instrument
  • it has made a nice return this year (see image below).

For me, the crypto-currency is just to cheap to pass by. The fact that it is under 1$ gives it more room for growth should the crypto-currency rush extend beyond 2018.

Bottom Line
There are other crypto-currencies that one may watch out for like Dash, Monero which I considered because some entities are accepting them as a form of payment. However, These currencies are using technologies that make transactions untraceable. I don't consider this a good thing given the fact that money launders, thieves hackers etc can capitalize on this some day. That aside they should have room for growth. 

The crypto-currencies that have room for growth are bound to move higher and hit the 100$ bench mark as more people buy and hold this currencies. Only government and financial regulatory bodies interventions or other weird situation can abort this. 

Good luck with all investments.

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